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One Page Handout For Potential Venue Donors for PO Training

North Carolina Election Integrity Team

NC Election Law Educational Training

In keeping with NCEIT's mission, this non-partisan 501c4, is once again offering training statewide in election law and in the Eight Systems of Election Integrity to our citizens to establish a trusted, statewide infrastructure comprising of a network of county election integrity task forces trained, certified, and geographically positioned to ensure secure and legitimate election processes. This is NCEIT’s training since November 2022 and will continue beyond.

The educational workshop will run from 11:30AM to 4PM and includes

Training materials for the task forces based on Citizens Guide to Building an Election Integrity Infrastructure.

Using NCEIT’s State Election Integrity Reporting System (SEIRS) 

Registration fees are nominal to cover light refreshments and materials.

In 2022, suitable venues across our state included church fellowship halls, fire departments, city operation buildings as well as donated office space.  NCEIT successfully trained 1500+ who made a significant difference during the election to work successfully with local boards of elections.


Paid for by and not by any candidate, candidates’ committee or any other person or organization.

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