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Justification to Require Proof of Citizenship in NC

Updated: Jun 1, 2024

Require proof of citizenship to vote in NC state & local elections and require use of the Electronic Verification of Vital Events (EVVE) to validate place of birth and Help America Vote Verification (HAVVA) do validate identity.

The Problem 

· There have been 8.7 million illegal crossings nationwide under the Biden administration. The Biden administration has flown 800,000 illegal aliens into the interior with the Advanced Travel Authorization program. They are funding non-governmental organizations through several federal departments like the Department of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services to facilitate travel for illegal aliens to the “destination of their choice”. The goal is to have the illegal aliens become Democrat voters.

·  Arizona is registering illegals to register to vote using a federal form and allowing them to vote in federal races.  This is based on a 2013, U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Arizona that states must permit people to register for federal elections using a federal form that does not require documentary proof of citizenship. AZ is in litigation regarding its’ law to require proof of citizenship for voting. The District of Columbia passed a law that non-citizens can vote in local elections.  It was reported that the SC Medicaid office was providing non-citizens with voter registration forms.


· Illegal alien voting poses a threat to a fair election in 2024.

The Solution

· Require proof of citizenship for new voter registrations for state and local elections.

· Use the EVVES and HAVV programs to establish place of birth and voter identity by the DMV, NCSBE and county BOEs.  


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1 The 15th Amendment to the US Constitution makes it clear that those who vote in the US should be citizens of the United States.  The Department of Homeland Security will require a Real ID for air travel to provide minimum security standards, stating it is a vital component to our national security framework.  Ensuring voters in the US elections are indeed US citizens, is also vitally important to our national security.


2. The NC Voter Registration Application includes a disclosure of citizenship, but no documentation is required as shown below.  No documentation is required when using the National Voter Registration Application form either.






1.   Arizona’s new law, H.B. 2492, is currently being litigated, and it is perceived as a challenge to the 2013 U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down an earlier attempt by the state to require proof of citizenship for voter registration. In that decision, the Supreme Court ruled states could not add registration requirements for voters in federal elections that go beyond what the federal registration form requires.

If this new round of litigation reaches the Supreme Court, and the Court ultimately decides to reverse its 2013 decision, we can expect many more states to advance documentary proof of citizenship bills.



The requirements established by this title are minimum requirements and nothing in this title shall be construed to prevent a State from establishing election technology and administration requirements that are more strict than the requirements established under this title so long as such State requirements are not inconsistent with the Federal requirements under this title or any law described in section 906.


3.  § 435.407 Types of acceptable documentary evidence of citizenship. For purposes of this section, the term ‘‘citizenship’’ includes status as a ‘‘national of the United States’’ as defined by section 101(a)(22) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(22)) to include both citizens of the United States and non-citizen nationals of the United States.

(a) Primary evidence of citizenship and identity. The following evidence must be accepted as satisfactory documentary evidence of both identity and citizenship:

(1) A U.S. passport. The Department of State issues this. A U.S. passport does not have to be currently valid to be accepted as evidence of U.S. citizenship, as long as it was originally issued without limitation. NOTE: Spouses and children were sometimes included on one passport through 1980. U.S. passports issued after 1980 show only one person. Consequently, the citizenship and identity of the included person can be established when one of these passports is presented. Exception: Do not accept any passport as evidence of U.S. citizenship when it was issued with a limitation. However, such a passport may be used as proof of identity.

(2) A Certificate of Naturalization (DHS Forms N–550 or N–570.) Department of Homeland Security issues for naturalization.

(3) A Certificate of U.S. Citizenship (DHS Forms N–560 or N–561.) Department of Homeland Security issues certificates of citizenship to individuals who derive citizenship through a parent.


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 (4) A valid State-issued driver’s license, but only if the State issuing the license requires proof of U.S. citizenship before issuance of such license or obtains a social security number from the applicant and verifies before certification that such number is valid and assigned to the applicant who is a citizen. (This provision is not effective until such time as a State makes providing evidence of citizenship a condition of issuing a driver’s license and evidence that the license holder is a citizen is included on the license or in a system of records available to the Medicaid agency. The State must ensure that the process complies with this statutory provision in section 6036 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. CMS will monitor compliance of States implementing this provision.).  Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, HHS


4.  The Electronic Verification of Vital Events (EVVE) system is the result of collaboration between the Social Security Administration and the National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems (NAPHSIS). It allows authorized SSA employees to verify a person’s date of birth (DOB) by using the EVVE system to query the participating states’ vital record systems. The system simply confirms or denies that there is a match of the individual in the request with a birth or death record.


5. Help America Vote Verification (HAVV)

The HAVV transaction allows jurisdiction motor vehicle agencies (MVAs) to verify voter registration and identity information with the Social Security Administration (SSA). The MVA submits an inquiry to the SSA and the SSA attempts to verify the information and responds back to the MVA with the results.

6. District of Columbia Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2022









Contacts: North Carolina Election Integrity Team (NCEIT),

Jim Womack, (919) 770-4783,,

Joanne Empie, (919) 819-1981,

Paid for by North Carolina Election Integrity Team (NCEIT)

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