Check with your local board of elections website and office to see what time this will take place. This recount is for NC Supreme Court Justice Allisison Riggs (D) and Jefferson Griffn (R)
What to look for in tomorrow's recount. (This is why we need Cast Vote Records!)
Is there any disagreement on how to count the votes?
Candidates names should be called out.
Is there 1D and 1R tallying votes? (There should be a bipartisan team. Not one D calling out and two Rs taking tallies.) They are ticking off the same marks and then calling 'tally" at the fifth. //// They should be using the same tally system.
Ask for a copy of the tape from our Board members. Each precinct. Each early voting site. Each absentee by mail.
Are they using one machine or multiple machines to run through the ballots. (At canvas, there were different machines.)
This looks like a very long day.
08 ncac 09 .0106 Recount guidelines
08 ncac 09 .0107 First Recount